How To Tell If Your Yorkie Really Loves You
Your Yorkie checks on you
We all have bad days. Those of us with Yorkies however, are better prepared to face those bad days than other people.
The reason for that is because Yorkies are very intelligent and aware of our emotions.
Yorkies are also dogs that get very excited very quickly.
Sometimes this can mean instant barking and energy.
One thing I have noticed is that before my Yorkies go ahead and go crazy with excitement they look at me to see my reaction.
If I’m not shocked or concerned about whatever it is that is causing the excitement then they will go wild!
My neighbors probably dislike me but that ship sailed before I got my Yorkies so I’m not too worried about that!
Rudy is the boss if our home, barks when he wants treats, will only eat certain ones, loves to go to the groomers, refuses to let you clean his eyes. Such a love bug, follows me around since my husband’s death at home. I would be lost without MY PRECIOUS RUDY. HE LOCKS EYES WITH YOU AND YOU CAN JUST FEEL HIS LOVE. EXTREMELY SMART